NGC Extra: Zia Muse and Island Paradise

NGC Extra: Zia Muse and Island Paradise

So, I read some legacies or challenges and they do fun little parts where they just have a mess around so I thought that is what I would do to have a bit of an experiment with Island Paradise.
It’s only a short part because I just used motherlode to see everything I could do, got absorbed and forgot to take photos then got bored because I had too much money.

Maybe this is like a review? Maybe I’ll tell you my opinions but that doesn’t make them valid. It’s probably only going to be half arsed too, you know me!
I haven’t really fully experienced it but I thought I’d post a few pretty photos.

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Firstly I move her into one of the cheapest house boats (mainly because I forgot the cheat to give her it for free existed but that’s not important)

Houseboats are very cool!
You can move them from port to port as well as just have them in the middle of the ocean (which I do later) They are incredibly slow moving but I mean it is a house on a boat, you can’t expect high speeds. After doing it the first time to make her near a diving area I didn’t really move her from a port again.

Inside (I wish I had taken more photos, I was too excited) It’s very small and basic with everything you need. A fabulous new addition that I love is an ‘All-in-one’ bathroom contraption thing. It doesn’t take up a lot of space, I believe I’m right when I saw it is the size of an ordinary shower but now I can’t remember – anyway, your sims uses it and Hygiene and Bladder go to green. This will be a great time saver and I’ll probably go and install this in all of my challenge houses.

Since Zia lives alone I’m not sure how privacy works, I’d imagine you could put three or four in a room, like a bathroom, and sims could just use it without getting embarrassed by other sims walking in the bathroom.

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There are speedboat taxis that take you everywhere so I figured Zia didn’t really need to move her house to every port.

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So I’m using Zia Muse but obviously if I want her out exploring a paradise it might not be great if she whinges on about all the UV so we make her a human.
The top and skirt she is wearing are from Island paradise as well as a few other things but I’ve not really looked into those much.

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This is when I moved the house boat to a scuba spot and it took pretty much all sim day.
I feel that you should only move your house boat if you feel it is necessary, or break long journeys to smaller ones because it was a dull five/ten minutes watching her move around the map.

The map, I didn’t photograph – oops, is really big and really exciting. I haven’t even looked in the town but it has all the general rabbit holes and everything. It is heavily water based which makes the taxi boats a frequent site and I imagine car pools will also be boats. Places like the science career have a small island close to the main island.

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The mail man, paper boy and university mascot all found me even though I thought I would be safe from them.

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I’ve not encountered it yet but I think this is the

“The Kraken is a huge monster that lives underwater in the ocean in The Sims 3: Island Paradise. It is a reference to the legendary sea monsters called Kraken. Sims may encounter the Kraken in the ocean. The Kraken doesn’t appear often but if Sims stay in a small boat too long, there is a chance of seeing it. If a sim has the “Friend of the Kraken” Lifetime reward, they can click on any boat aside from houseboats and select “Release the Kraken!” the kraken will shortly afterwards attack the boat. After this is done, the kraken will require rest before it is commanded again. They may also see the kraken near their houseboat.” (The Sims Wiki)

I’ve also read up that mermaids won’t ever get attacked by the Kraken and also have level 10 scuba diving skill as well as being naturally faster swimmers than non-mermaid sims.

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There are several scuba spots on the map but in order to go underwater you need to be at least a level 2. I made Zia take a class in scuba diving and then snorkel until see reached the appropriate level.

Each spot has a required level before you can dive there and I think they are all connected through rabbit holes as later I had Zia move from one through to the other because her skill level was high enough. If your sim doesn’t have the right level it will say something like Zia found a secret passageway / hole / entrance (something) but didn’t go through it.

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Once underwater though it is amazing. At first I thought all Zia would be able to do is view things but she can also catch fish. Of course once you catch one your sim wishes to catch 5, then 10 and so on.

 There are also caverns, which I find quite difficult to find unlike WA where exploring is quite easy once you’ve done a few. You can also get opportunities attached to scuba from the science lab and restaurants.

Your sim gets a happy moodlet for a certain amount of time but then they begin to run out of air, first a modlet warns you and gives you 2 or 3 hours then a more desperate moodlet counts down until your sim resurfaces. You can get a Lifetime reward to stop this but I can’t remember the price. There is also a kelp reward to make your sim a mermaid.

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This is a new gnome I found. Cheeky lad.

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I have read a little bit about Mermaids (The Sims Wiki) and when you first see one it is exciting! However they are the hardest things to befriend ever. I literally spent days getting Zia to talk to several mermaids – maybe it’s just her and she is crap with social situations – but at first you can only talk to mermaids that are underwater about 8 or so different things. Mermaid related things, like kelp recipes and sharks which is fun at first but I kind of wish there was more choice. I gave up before I could see if there was.

Zia did eventually befriend a mermaid once she owned a resort – there is a challenge attached to a rundown resort which you can improve on Zia was starting to date the mermaid and I was going to make her have three kids with him and enter them in the heir poll and be cheeky like that but I decided against it. Imagine three mermaid kids turning up (Zazu, Inka and Ariel – the other kids wouldn’t stand a chance!)
I’m glad they’ve done it so mermaids can come on land and breed with sims but so far I’m not a fan of the scaley legs.

The resort stuff is really exciting, it wasn’t challenging for Zia since I cheated her money but I can imagine it being quite a nice project to work on alongside your legacy or challenge which is what I plan to do in my next generation of  my challenge. You get any profits at the end of every day and a review system helps you see where you need to improve on. At first glance it seems like a lot of information attached to the resort – a review system, the revenue as well as hiring staff etc but I think once you get in the swing of it it its probably very easy to pick up on.

That’s all I’ve really done, I wanted to do more but yeah I had too much money so it got boring. It looks great though, doesn’t it?

NGC Generation 4

NGC Generation 4

This is going to get weird and I will only apologise if you … Nah, actually I’m not going to. I’ll pretend there is an air of confidence about me and saunter around like I own the internet.
The last part before the heir poll!

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So first, let’s see how Zimos is!

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A happy family photo to kick off the festivities!
This chapter I am going to recap sims in the household like you deserve to be told. From left to right we have Star (Snr) holding Orval, Zimos holding Max, Zach holding Ox and Irving holding Star (Jnr).

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But they won’t stay that way for long. Birthdays galore!
Firstly Max grows up to a cute child.

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And a little bit of twin spam to separate you from the next birthdays.

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And just a wonderful little reminder that the house has remained largely unchanged from when Zimos and Star fled here at the beginning of this dual heirship.
This house is impractical on so many levels but I don’t want to spend time doing it up just yet. It’s on a very ‘need-to-have’ sort of basis.

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Okay, here we go triple birthday.
Orval and Ox are 2 days from it anyway and are fully skilled plus have read most of the books that the family can afford and Star (Jnr) is 1 day away from toddlerhood.
On the flip side, Zach is only 6 or so days from adulthood so we need to really get Star to a teenager as fast as possible.

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First Star because we need to see what a cute kid she is.
Cute doesn’t even cover this man. If it were possible to eat sims based on cuteness on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ‘so ugly I wouldn’t want to think of eating’, 10 is ‘Eat whole’ and 5 is a neutral ‘I had a nibble and I don’t really have any strong feelings either way’ Star (Jnr) is easily a 10.
IF you would like to hear my feelings on other kids then, Zach = 5, Irving = 6, Max = 9, Orval =6 and Ox = 7. Elvira’s kids are generally no higher than 6.
Ah cannibalisim you are not for everyone.

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Ox grew into that hair I hate.
His vampiric charm is why I score him higher than Orval.
Sometimes I feel like I should have a filter that tells me that writing this shit is wrong. But it’s done, there isn’t like a delete or backspace key.

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Finally Orval. Also with the hair I dislike.

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Look I finally did some work to the house!
*Runs off to join architect career* LOL J K universities don’t think I am cut out to be an architect. I don’t understand why, this is the sort of house I imagine the Queen would summer to, you know? It is that good.

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Ox goes and gets at least level 5 in Writing and Logic. He sticks around to beat Orval brutually at chess to remind him who is the dominant twin.

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Toddler spam. I am really enjoying Star’s face.
Stay this cute kid and you may be my dinner get my vote.

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Star (Snr) returns to work and finally brings in some money, not that the house needs any work, am I right?

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Zach and Zimos annoy me to no end. They are like BFFs and are constantly seeking each other to interact.
Just after this Zimos dislocated his neck, that is why it looks so weird.

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Star had her birthday to childhood although no one was really thrilled.
She is still cute. Not as much as when she was a toddler, but she is still tied with Max, maybe she is a 9.5 actually.
On this imaginary scale I have created.

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Soon after, Max grew up into a teenager!
I kept his weird hair because he looks like an elf. Then I looked in CAS and it had a supernatural logo – so I laughed at myself like, oh it is because it is Fairy Elf hair. Haha

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Zach grew up into a Young Adult.
Overall, he has gained me 2 HP (Helicopter Parent, not Harry Potter although that is not as fun) points. One for his toddler years and the other for being on the honour roll for three days.
Begin the time crunch!

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So Zach has to go to graduation, the game informs me.
And for once they all got in the same car, that 4-seater taxi carried all 7 pictured.

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It was okay. He did meet Theresa (?) and they are now boyfriend and girlfriend so that is one less thing to worry about.
I don’t know if she is really spouse material but then I don’t personally think Zach is heir material. Not because I’m trying to taint your vote and make you not vote for him (please do if you want to) but compared to the other kids I just think some of them have a better chance.

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Double birthday time!

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First Ox
An almost exact replica of Zimos.

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And then Orval.
I think he has inherited Fiona’s mismatched eyebrows which I love. But on looking at the next photo that is probably because Zimos inherited them from Zed (I’m sure he had them too, the bright blonde hair but the darker eyebrows)
Maybe it is a good luck charm to decide the heir?

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Since Zimos was crap at writing and painting I changed his LTW to be Surrounded by Family and now that Orval and Ox are teenagers he has made his LTW come true.
Happy days!

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A little bit of a fire on the homelot. No biggie, my sims have this down.

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I thought this was star reaching the top of her career but she is still a way away.
I think she is on level 8 or something at least. Even though I am sure I checked and it was level 9. Whatever. Over it.

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Finally Star becomes a teen. I may have aged her up a day or two early. I just want to get the heir poll up so bad!
She is also still very cute.

And that is all from this side for a while. Lets go see how those other crazy kids are doing.

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Now let’s catch up with Elvira.

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This is her lot. Taking these group photos were a nightmare by the way.
A reminder of who is who is in order.

Sort of centred holding newborn Alpha is Elvira. To the left of her is oldest Eth holding Ruby who you can barely see as Lucy is standing right in front of her. The fairy girl facing the wrong way (cheers for completely ruining it) is Ifalna, her twin Ishaq is just to the right on the image with the 0 on his shirt and behind Ishaq is Vex.

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The first thing that happens is a birthday!
Ifalna first

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Followed closely by Ishaq who still hasn’t quite grown into his face.
Why has his mouth done this? It’s a shame because namewise he is gold but geneticwise he is not the best of the litter.
Ishaq, you are killing me.

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Ruby grows up into a child.
Over it.
It got to the point that I realised it is Elvira with 7 kids. That is a lot. I want to be done with toddlers.

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Followed shortly by Alpha. How did this kids not get hit by the ugly stick? I was expecting terrible things for both him and Ruby.

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Generic, hey look you skilled up and played with your toddler. Good shout. That will most certainly help him later in life.

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Why is this picture even here, I mean why?
It’s not because Ifalna is my favourite

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I made Vex, like I’ve made all of the teens, get a part time job except Vex’s is at the bookstore which won’t let anyone in for some reason so her work performance is terrible. She is always getting scolded for something she can’t do. I feel bad for her but I mostly forget to let her off the hook. Hahaha.

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Speaking of teen careers, Eth has just topped his!

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Hey potential spouse for Ifalna.
Do I hear alien fairy baby for Generation 5?
We shall see ;)

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As soon as Alpha was skilled up I just grew him up into a teen since all of the others are getting close to YA.

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Elvira grows up into an elder (clearly older than Star and Zimos at this point) and finally gets her maternity leave out of the way.
She is all about busting ghosts now.

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Eth grew up into a young adult so surely his other siblings won’t be far behind.

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Island PAradise arrived, so of course I run wild and make Eth set up a resort with the tiny amount of money the family have. They are broke man.

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And their resort isn’t even very good because I haven’t got a clue how it all works

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Eth graduated, ooh la la. College boy.
It was an uneventful time, I was too distracted by wanting to find mermaids and play in the sea.

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So the next day I grew up Ruby.
Or was it later that night? She was growing up anyway.

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And instead of waiting another few days I just grew up Alpha early. As if any of the children have gotten 5 skill points anyway man.
Besides, It’s crunch time since I’m going away and want a fresh new face to play with on my return.
So apologies for the hasty writing, but I’m sure we are all going to get over it. I already am!

Heir Poll Time!

So we’re at the end of growing up the kids. It is time for an heir poll.
Just FYI you do have four votes on the heir poll because I just can’t pick one, so let’s all pick more than one and it will help get a sense of who is the top dog. If there is a tie we’ll make them fight to the death send them to uni or something.
I’m listing them alphabetically to really mix them up and I’m not going to give you any ratings or hints of any of them or anything, I want to know who you like or who you think is most interesting etc.
I’ll direct you to the boolprop page where the voting is taking place as soon as I make it
If you’re not a member of boolprop then become a member. It’s such a great community and where I keep this nicely organised. I hate wordpress as I am a major n00b at it.
Cool, okay. So, here they are:

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Cheers everyone!

NGC Star vs Alpha

NGC Star vs Alpha

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So first, let’s see how Zimos is!

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I’ll be honest, for this part I was so excited to have a new baby – the final baby that I didn’t do the classic catch up, you probably will see everyone though so just trust me on the names.
Firstly, Zach helps train Max up since Zimos there is too stressed from work ;)

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Irving and Zach went for a swim. I just thought it looked nice (I was probably raining, you know how English Summers are)

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So yeah, let’s get it underway! Baby S! The final one!

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Unfortunately, the relationship between Zimos and Star had dropped without me realising and they were so tired so it didn’t end well that night.
Now I have to work on relationships?!

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With the twins I adopted the “let’s have the babysitter around a lot” system as well.
Babies really ruin it for other adult sims.

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Star and Zimos worked on their relationship and a lullaby was heard!
Good news everyone, we’re on the last leg!

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Zimos was finally able to get the Vampire B Gone potion. So he is now a human!
For some reason the household received £105,000 randomly. It’s kind of noticeable and I didn’t know what to do with it.
So after he suited up, Zimos went and invested it in businesses and the house was hardly touched. All I did was add a small bedroom that will become Max’s, Orval’s and Ox’s.

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Little Orval and Ox had their birthdays. Ox is the vampire one and Orval is that identical non-vampire one.

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Pop goes the S Baby!

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Orval and Ox are cute like :3
This heir poll is going to be so hard… Or maybe I can do like an Octuple-heirship?

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Zimos had a birthday to full adulthood. He is having a midlife crisis.

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Irving grows up into a teen. He has Star’s huge ears and I love that.
I did this a day early to help with the three toddlers but I think Max (Who hasn’t been seen much this part) is on the verge of growing up anyway.
We have that as well as all the birthdays ever to look forward to next time.

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Star is smiling because she knows this is the final bambino.
Everyone welcome the last sprogg of Zimos and Star:
Star Muse! (Jnr)

What, me recycle names so I can use the letters in the future. What? I have never done that before.
All right you clever readers you. Let’s move on swiftly before this gets uncomfortable.

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Now let’s catch up with Elvira
In comparison to the last part this one is a breeze. Super short.

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Last time Elvira had a baby with Parker, little Ruby. I am very interested in how she’ll end up. Interesting will probably get used a lot as a description of looks.
Again, I couldn’t chase the kids down to get like a group shot, so just trust me on the names again (if they are all even featured)

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I tried to encourage Harwood to visit (by using Eth and Lucy to mourn him) but since he didn’t show we used the safety, Parker, to secure the last baby.
Elvira is getting old okay, she simply can’t afford to wait around for the shy ghost of Harwood.

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Parker then spent the night in the girl’s room instead of in bed with Elvira. Creepy.

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I can’t get over how these kids look. It’s almost like looking at the beginnings of an Uglacy. They could easily make that challenge criteria.
Anyway, Vex becomes a teen!

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The last one from Elvira pops!

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How did she do it!? Ruby grows up to look okay as a toddler.
I thought the same of Vex I suppose and now I’m just not sure how I would describe her. Interesting? hahha

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Generally, not a lot happens. Not a lot can really happen when you’re broke like Elvira.

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Elvira goes into labour and brings out little boy Alpha Muse!
Surely you have the wrong baby since I definitely made you eat watermelons so I could have a girl. Why am I suprised? Elvira ruins all of my plans.

But yeah, this is the last “vs” chapter. Next time in “Generation 4” we’ll have to watch these all grow up into teens and do an heir poll.
It’ll be long but exciting!

So for the final time:

Zimos and Star had: Zach, Irving, Max, Orval, Ox and Star (Jnr)
Elvira and Harwood had: Eth, Lucy, Vex, Ifalna and Ishaq
Then Harwood was a selfish ghost so Elvira and Parker had: Ruby and Alpha

NGC Ox vs Ruby

NGC Ox vs Ruby

I know have been updating a lot, let’s not get used to it. I figure that I can get all these parts and have the heir poll up for when I go away on holiday. That way I get a nice treat when I return.
And also because I am pretty much halfway through writing the ‘Generation 4’ chapter.

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So first, let’s see how Zimos is!

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So last time Star and Zimos added little Orval to the family. I may have withheld information.

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It was Twins! She also had little vampire baby Ox!
Now before you get mad, let me tell you why I’ve done this.
Basically, it comes down to the compulsive perfectionist in me. This has happened so that the parts will now neatly go like this:

Zach vs Eth
Irving vs Lucy
Max vs Vex
Orvale vs Ifalna & Ishaq (Thanks, Elvira, for ruining it with unplanned twins)
Ox vs Ruby (Oh. Em. Gee. Spoilers much?)
S Baby vs A Baby

Instead of just having an A baby at the end. Imagine the horror and un-evenness. I’m shaking at the thought.
On the upside this is a nice short split for you on Zimos’ part. Not for Elvira though, but we shall get to that.

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First thing Orval did was glitch up, or maybe it was Star. She did sink into the floorboards

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Orval’s just hanging.
Here is a flash of who is in the house and then we can move straight on to Elvira

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With newborns Orval and Ox as well.

That was boring.

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Now let’s catch up with Elvira

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I made a super helpful image there. Look at that, 5 kids and 4 cribs.
It’s okay, I’m sure we’re about to have some birthdays. Surely. Eth’s been a toddler for an era.

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Firstly, Harwood decides he wants to take Vex to the birthday cake but die halfway there.
It was infuriating as I had Elvira holding her because I wanted Harwood to sleep since he had zero energy but Harwood insisted on taking Vex.

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Of all the times you had to go and die. Why today. We aren’t even pregnant with another nooboo.

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And his work car honked all the way through the ordeal.

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Then Vex glitched into the counter and grew up but was deleted completely from the household (just like Zed had)
So I just stopped and quit.


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So I’ve done a super helpful image for you ….

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It’s Eth’s and Vex’s birthday and Harwood is still alive!

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But only for a moment. This time I kept him away from Vex and he went peacefully.
His carpool was also present this time and it was still just as annoying.

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Here is Eth as a child.
Doesn’t he look …. interesting?

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And little Vex finally made it to toddlerhood!

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Eth was the only one affected by Harwood’s death, Elvira has the Stone Hearted lifetime reward and the other kids are too young.
He had a mopey two days.

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But then he went and maxed out his Logic and Writing skills so he is okay.

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Elvira made it to adulthood – the fullest full version.
No midlife crisis which is surprising.

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I then got the brilliant idea to just constantly have a babysitter around.
Even though she is here all the time I’m not sure of her name…

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Generic toddler spam.
You know what goes great with toddler spam?

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More toddlers!
Ishaq and Ifalna joined the platoon.
It got so serious I had to buy a rocking chair

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Harwood made a ghostly visit. I was excited until he kept rejecting Elvira.
Then he disappeared and hasn’t visited since. Nice job Elvira.
And way to go Harwood being the only ghost I want around but not glitching up to stay around all the time.

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Then I did this and didn’t understand what I’d done, so I quit without saving in case this meant Harwood would go away completely.
So this never actually happened.

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Lucy, a long serving member of the toddler platoon, finally grew up into a child.
Then I ignored her a little bit because I have three toddlers still.

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Somehow all of them have had time to get skilled and stuff. Not completely yet, but by their birthdays they were fully skilled.
And since there has been no time for some male interaction, we probably will be seeing their birthdays … To adulthood

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Having noticed how Elvira is still not pregnant and wishing she were so this part would end she invited Marshall Curious over.
Harwood has not visited to give us that ghost baby I crave.
Unfortunately, because Elvira’s fetish is old man (clearly) Marshall died a few days later.
So we’re back to square one.

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I am just littering this part with toddler photos.
I feel so bad.

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Another birthday, a double one no less!

First Vex becomes a child meaning for the first time, there are more child aged sims and older in the household than toddlers.

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And Eth becomes a teenager.
Interesting genes.

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I have no idea how to get a ghost to visit. I’m unsuccessful in everything I do.
We’re going to need another man.

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This is generally the reason why Ishaq and Ifalna were skilled completely. I was going to just give up on them until Eth gave me so much hope and inspiration and he did it.
So surprisingly, all of these kids were skilled as toddlers.

He played mommy to his younger siblings and skilled them up while Elvira slept.

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Just a few shots to show how neglected the house is.

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Elvira tried to go on a date with Lincoln but he was either married or too much hard work.

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The pretty Ifalna.
How did Harwood make kids looking weird like Eth and Ishaq but this pretty little fairy?
Oh you haven’t seen Ishaq yet?
(Sorry guys, my writing is all over the place because photobucket is uploading all the photos jumbled up so I have to work to get these parts together now. It also sometimes misses out photos here and there)

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Hopefully Ishaq will grow into his lips? He’s so strange looking, but I love that.
Or do I just like that juicy Q in his name?!

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This is Parker Prudence.
He had to become boyfriend and girlfriend before he could kiss her. And once that happened there was no way we were going to back out of it.

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Elvira has even returned to work since we’re out of maternity leave.

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Like literally the second after a lullaby was heard Harwood visited. I HATE YOU
Okay it wasn’t literally like that because you can see Elvira clearly went to work. But it was still the same day since she has no bump.

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But there it is!

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Lucy grows up into a teenager
Of course she didn’t reach level 5 of two skills. It was hard enough just keeping them alive sometimes.

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Elvira, not having any toddlers to look after, continues trying to work up the ranks.
She has lost to this woman 5 times or something. I might just have to wait her out until she dies.

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Happy Herpy Derpy Family time.
Went and got them a table, since there is a million people living in this tiny shack.

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And finally, after the longest entry ever and the longest slot of playing with Elvira we have Ruby Muse!
I can not wait to play Star and Zimos again, it’s been too long.

So Zimos has: Zach, Irving, Max, Orval and Ox
And Elvira has: Eth, Lucy, Vex, Ifalna, Ishaq and Ruby!

Hey, only one more to go!? Sweet.

NGC Orval vs Ifalna & Ishaq

NGC Orval vs Ifalna & Ishaq

Don’t even get me started on this ridiculously long title.
It has messed up my system. I have nothing to live for anymore.

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So first, let’s see how Zimos is!
I genuinely copied and pasted this alongside the headers, so that’s why it always shoulds familiar. I’m not even going to change it.

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Introductions are in order! So Zimos is holding a child … his son! Irving. His wife there, Star, is holding newborn Max and Zach, the eldest, decided to ruin the family photo (or at least make it difficult) by being in bed.
Don’t worry about the names, I can hardly remember them either.

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First things first, Star grows up to an Adult accompanied by a Midlife Crisis I ignored.
Well done, mate. You look exactly the same.

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The good news is that more babies will be on the way soon.

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Very soon. Quick pop pregnancy bump.
I’ve decided she just needs to get these kids out so she can get on with her career.

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This happened and it excited me to no end.
Unfortunately he didn’t get pregnant from this.
So not cool.
A little alien baby would just round this generation off wouldn’t it? We would have had it all happening.

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This is Lucky, Zach’s IF. She is broken and scares me.

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Another round of birthdays. First Irving.

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And then Zach. Why toddlerhood is the same length as childhood I will never know.

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And Max too! Why not eh? Triple Bonanza.
Well Max’s was actually the day after, I’m sure.
Max is the cutest kid yet.

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And Star goes into labour, bringing home Orval Muse.

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Now let’s catch up with Elvira
Again, copy and pasted to help with introductions!

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But let’s really introduce the household now. So Elvira there is muy tired and holding either Lucy or Vex, they are only a few days apart. The other one is that pink bundle in the crib at the back. Harwood there is carrying the oldest Eth.

You know what I’ve found funny. I’m sure both Elvira and Zimos are like 2 or 3 weeks in, but playing both households is so different.

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So, as you can see Harwood is clearly still alive be it that he has been on death’s door for ages.
You’re making me look stupid. Just die, man.

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To solve the confusion of which pink baby is which, Lucy did a wonderful job of growing up.
Now we all know the boy toddler is Eth, the girl one is Lucy and the baby is Vex. Easy as pie.

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Baby bump!
And to make this slice feel a bit longer, here is what the toddlers got up!

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We interrupt this toddler spam for some bloody awful news.

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Even though Elvira is contracted to only have 6 kids, in order to fill the household up neatly and make naming each chapter easy, she went and had twins. So much for the fair households and there being a 12 kid heir poll with 6 from each contestants. Now what will happen? I just don’t know.
I’m not even joking, I might have had a minor panic attack because she has added two babies to an already super young household. We aren’t running a daycare here.

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First, little Ifalna, or I like to name her “The planned one”
Ifalna is a carefully picked name because it has an F in it and, yeah, it is a character from FF7. This is the reason for eating the three watermelons.
She’s also a Fairy, nice touch.

Just an FYI, I might sometimes call Ifalna as Iflana because that just seems more normal to me. So expect spelling mistakes on her name from me.

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And then there is Ishaq. A name I randomly picked from a baby name site. Not so random really, it has a Q in it. I keep saying it like “Ish-hack” but I think it is an alternative spelling for “Isaac”
Not to sound mean, but I hope Harwood dies soon. It’s the only way Elvira will be able to have all the pregnancies she needs to have.
The question is, do I risk having another baby straight away?
Find out next time!


Zimos and Star’s kids: Zach, Irving, Max and Orval
Elvira and Harwood’s kids: Eth, Lucy, Vex, Ifalna & Ishaq

NGC Max vs Vex

NGC Max vs Vex

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So first, let’s see how Zimos is!

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This is the classic catch up shot to show Zimos there (about to raid the supermarket) as well as his sleepy wife Star and two sons Zach and Irving!

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The great thing about Star just having a baby means we have a few more days for her to work on her career!
I love the magician career okay. It is my lifelong dream to do magic in real life (alongside being an acrobat and astronaut – how influencial is sims on my life?!) and this is the closest I’ll ever be.

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Last look at Zach reading his little books before we throw the party of the century. Zach and Irving’s birthdays fall on the same day, so double party mode engaged.

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It was chaos on the basis that there was no room, not even to swing a cat.

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Irving first because we’re all so curious to see how he looks

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And then Zach. He will eventually lose that hairstyle. It is my least favourite of all the child hairstyles.

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And this is Zach’s room. It’s green and purple because that is what Zach’s and Irvings favourite colours are. I know, you didn’t think that caring compassionate side of me existed but look, I decided to give a crap about my sims.

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Well this is the most adorable interaction ever :3
My sim broodiness is swelling.

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Right on cue, thanks Zimos and Star. We need another sprogg and fast!

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Zach goes about trying to skill but everything just seems so slow. I don’t know if it is because the last generation were all vampires so skilled super quick or if something is making them slower.

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I swear I didn’t hear a lullaby so was panicking until I realised it’s most likely because Star was a few days from growing up. I tried growing her up but nothing happened so I hoped and prayed my game wasn’t broken, but it’s all fine. She was just pregnant!

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As you were Irving.
He inherited Star’s green hair. I fear she will have the dominant genes and will produce a bunch of green babies – which normally I would love, I just want as much variation as possible so that when it comes to the heir poll there is so much choice your little eyes glaze over and everyone falls into a cute sim variating genes coma.

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Anyway, baby M is official.

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And since not a lot happens between the pregnancy bump and the birth, here he is! Max Muse!
A little pink baby :D

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Now let’s catch up with Elvira

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Currently in the household is Elvira who is holding newborn Lucy and Harwood who is holding oldest child Eth.

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But since Harwood is so dangerously close to dying another child is on the way.
It will be hard for Elvira to raise three kids and try find new love. So sorry Elvira.

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Toddler spam to show Eth gaining new friends and skills too!
Also, if you were wondering, Eth is an Irish name, or so the baby name website told me. I’ve been dying to tell you all.

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I finally finished the house after Elvira got a big bonus. or something from work. Haha, maybe it was just her pay.

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The baby begins to show and I breath slowly and calmly in anticipation for so many children running around.

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And she soon gives birth to baby girl Vex! Yes, even though that other one … Lucy, is also still a baby. We’ll most likely see some birthdays on this end next time.

Next time we will be suffering two more births for O vs I

Maybe I should also start ending these with:

Zimos & Star have: Zach, Irving and Max
Elvira and Harwood have: Eth, Lucy and Vex

NGC Irving vs Lucy

NGC Irving vs Lucy

Following the previous chapter you are probably aware that this is a Dual Generation of the Name Game Challenge.
It’s a lot of fun and means I don’t have to pick an heir.
I feel like I should explain a bit more, but then I feel that you should start at the beginning if you want to follow this maniac writer.

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So first, let’s see how Zimos is!

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Zimos, the old dog, and his wife, the interesting Star, just welcomed baby boy Zach into the household.
The first of many!

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However, Star has to work a bit to get her job up and actually make some money. With Zimos in the education career bringing home £100 a day and with bills that match this, yeah. The plan to just have a kid straight off the bat is not working out. In the last part Elvira had a lot more time at work before having Eth so it feels like she has a huge advantage. Slight, not huge. But we will catch up with her in a wee bit.

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On a brighter note, Zach is really fitting in with the colour scheme so I approve of him greatly.

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Star working hard on the Magician career. She has a steady gig now on a Saturday so I’m trying to plan babies around her work schedule.
They are so broke, it is dyer.

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Little Zach grows up into a toddler!

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And I’d also like to note how their house hasn’t changed whatsoever. Not even new furniture.

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You know what happens next.

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Generic toddler shot to show Zach got skilled up.

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Star popped so the next nooboo is on the way!

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My baby, somebody help my baby!

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Yeah, a couple of boring days went by where all Zach did was skill and do other toddler things, Star couldn’t do anything job related and Zimos just bitched and whined which is why I don’t take many photos of him. He doesn’t do much.

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Now let’s catch up with Elvira

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Currently in the small household is Harwood, Elvira and newborn Eth!
Even though Harwood looks deceptively like a fairy and even has fairy magic he is aging like a normal sim. I was under the illusion Fairy Sims had an extended life.
Either I’m wrong or my computer is confused.

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So, no time is wasted in order for Elvira to have her second child. I have a feeling Harwood is not going to make it to father all of her kids, which is a real shame because I kind of like him.

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Elvira becomes a human, something I had planned since I concocted this idea of a split. I want Zimos to eventually become a human too, but the potion is like £3,000 and Zimos can’t afford anything. Unlike Elvira, she has more than 2 digits in her bank, Zimos, so you had better watch out.

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Elvira pops.
I think Elvira’s parts will probably be shorter while we try and use Harwood’s life to the best of his abilities to provide children. He was 84 Days old last time I checked, I wasn’t worried but the bar filled quite a lot.
I’ve been toying with the idea of ghost babies as well, but I don’t know. Sometimes it is just easier to move on.

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Luckily, Elvira can work on her career whilst off on maternity leave.

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Then the game lagged on me a bit but I think this was because of the weather. So I made it 20 days of Summer then Spring with zero chance of rain and snow.
(The weather / Seasons are the same in both Twinbrook and Sunset Valley for optimal play performance)
If you ask me, Fiona, was spending the £27 or however much to get rain and snow in your game worth it? I will say yes still even though I don’t really like how it lags up my game sometimes.
In hindsight, I don’t like snow or rain much IRL so, who was I kidding?

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Then I got cocky because there was a good deal of money in the bank. Or so I thought. I literally ran out of money faster than two really fast things.
I particularly like the most pointless second floor extension. It really adds nothing whatsoever to the household.

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Little Eth as a toddler!
You know, I feel sorry for you readers, I get confused with these kids but I kind of know them. You guys must just be nodding and agreeing.

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Eth is cute. He’s clearly a vampire child as well.

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And literally a few minutes after that shot of Eth was taken, we had the pleasure of meeting Lucy! As well as the weird guy who smells books outside the hospital.
I had wanted a boy pre-named Luke and I’m sure Elvira ate three apples to get him. I suppose it is only 95% or something at the end of the day.

That is all for this installment.
Next time, more names and babies will be thrown at you (maybe literally, most likely not) and we will have the fight of M vs V

NGC Zach vs Eth

NGC Zach vs Eth

What a strange title, I hear you say. Yes well, I was struck with such a brilliant idea to solve me having to pick an heir.
I was 100% set on using Zimos. But then I felt bad for Elvira. Then I realised I should probably organise to do something with my friends as I have no life worrying over sims. Then I laughed because I have no friends. Then I cried and ate ice cream. But enough about me…

Welcome to the NGC Split!

Whaaat? Spliiit? What does this mean?

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You know that Zimos moved to Sunset Valley with Star.

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But what you don’t know is that Elvira moved to Twinbrook alone.
Dual Heirship, away we go. They said it couldn’t be done, but here we are. Two seperate save files, sure, so it might be a competition of which one breaks last.

Firstly I’ll just tell you some boring bits about how I’m going to do it.

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Firstly remember these images, I’ve figured the easiest way to do it is to have Zimos and Elvira have 6 kids each and each part will be like a ‘vs’ meaning Zimos will have a multi-birth to make it fair and you’ll see Zimos’ first born alongside Elvira’s first born. It might make chapters longer so I apologise for that but trying to orientate between different parts and different babies seems more confusing in my head.  Does that even make sense? I don’t know. Each new split I’ll head with these images to try and make it easier to follow and I’ll do the classic “In the household at the moment…” intro to keep everyone up to speed. This is to prevent an Elvira side or a Zed side where it’s all higgildy piggidly and parts are just everywhere.
I think it’s fair. Both Zimos and Elvira now have no skill points or family or anything (just a short painful reminder that everything that went wrong, did go wrong in Hidden Springs). Zimos does have Star, possible advantage,  but they are just acquaintances at this point, Elvira also has a smaller lot meaning she has more money to start with.
Also, points are going to be provisional. I’ll award myself points when whatever half wins the heir poll – that is right one big heir poll at the end with all 12 kids to decide who will continue!

Well, I think that is how I’m going to play it, we’ll see. That wasn’t very interesting. I’m sorry.

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So first, let’s see how Zimos is!

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The first thing that goes down is building their relationship. This is how I know Star was not a waster, Zimos and Star become friends quickly so this relationship is a doddle.

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Zimos doesn’t have a lot of money and since Zimos and Star aren’t an item yet I bought them sleeping bags.

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For the first time ever the Magician career isn’t in the newspaper. Star’s LTW is to be a Master Magician so she will work on that and Zimos just joined the Education career on the basis that I don’t think there is a LTW associated with that… or if it is it is one my sim kids don’t generally roll up so I thought it would be a safe bet.

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It’s still the first dy and things are going well with Zimos and Star.

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So well I bought a double bed, you know what that means ;) ;) right?

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Super quick wedding, Zimos and Star Muse!

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And a lullaby was heard.

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Star must be brave. She literally put it out moments after starting it. I’m really sorry, I’ve gotten so lazy with the traits and personality stuff.
I apologise but I’m not going to change. You can see it on the download bit which saves me the job (Thanks EA / Maxis)

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Star also barfed a lot which was more proof I didn’t need to see of the upcoming mess maker

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Star pops. The most annoying thing ever, she can not do anything magic related whilst pregnant. Not cool.

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Zed works all day, sleeps then works on his book in the library at night. They can’t afford a computer. They are so broke, it is immensely enjoyable.

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And a few uneventful days later, meet Zach Muse!

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Now let’s catch up with Elvira

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This is her small lot

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She joined the Ghost Hunter profession, something I normally tend to avoid, but I think this will be fun to try.

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Her LTW is to be a Chess Legend so now I have to get her to re-master her Logic skill, but I mean that goes hand in hand with her profession so already everything is coming up Elvira.
She easily beats her first opponent, one of Mary Baker’s boys, before her first shift at work.

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How cute, I’m enjoying this profession.
With going to peoples houses and inviting over ranked chess players I think she will easily find a mate. But, I am going to hate her being pregnant.

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A few days go by so I look online to see what Twinbrook has to offer. Online dating, the in game cheat for legacies and challenges everywhere ;)

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Then she meets Harwood, through chess, and he is the only single male I’ve found so far.

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They are cute together, and when baby pops and Elvira rolls up the want to marry Harwood, I lock it in.

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The next day, or maybe even later that day … They get married!
Harwood Muse, a retired Stagehand. I immediately make him re-join the music career since money is tight

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Then not a lot happens until Elvira gives birth to vampire baby boy Eth!

And that is all for now.
Next time we’ll see I vs L!

NGC Zed’s Heir

NGC Zed’s Heir

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SO Hey, welcome back! Thanks for continuing after that last chapter which sucked ass.
I’m so glad you could return to watch as my efforts go up in flame.
Don’t worry, there will most likely be an accompany rant to keep us all in high spirits.

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So, here is Zed (recently unemployed so doesn’t do much) and Elvira, just enjoying life in the household and etc.

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Elvira completed her LTW to become the Emperor of Evil, so I am thrilled of course because it means now she and Zed can move on to different careers to top.
Zed went for Politics and I clawed my eyes out from lack of choice and know I’ll not enjoy this and Elvira was about to join the Video Game Developer career. I was excited, carefree, just loving sims.

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Then a pop-up for a Free Vacation came up so Zed and Elvira went for it.
Why not, they’ve worked hard, and I can’t be bothered to take them to France.
And I didn’t know it here, but I’ll let you all in on a little secret, this is when it all went downhill.
Soak in this picture guys, because we are never going to see Zed and Elvira again. For some reason they didn’t come back from this free vacation.
See that driver, she is clearly a psychopath who abducts innocent parents who go on free vacation. Or maybe a vampire hunter!?

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This is Star (something, maybe Shue?) she becomes fond of Zimos very quickly and they become an item.
Some of you might not know her because she is part of the Hidden Spring downloadable content, and those that do have Hidden Springs are probably in the same predicament as me in that it wants to be uninhabitable, it hates sims and you’ve never seen Star grow up into this wonderful teen because your game has malfunctioned on a level you didn’t even know it could.
Spoilers ;)

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This is a total game changer you know, as well as the massive glitch that made Zed and Elvira unplayable
Up to now I had wanted Elvira (Jnr) to be the heir, from since she was born practically. But Star is way too interesting spouse material to pass up on.

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Zelda (who is not yet sleep deprived, don’t worry – I’m getting there. Spoilers) tops her career and quits her job before even getting in the carpool home.
She can now focus on getting on the honour role.

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It was a field trip day so all the kids got on the bus, then jumped back home. Glitch-style.
But then a lot of weird stuff starts going down.

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Zimos left work and completely disappeared and I had to Reset him to see him again.
He was supposed to get a promotion but Hidden Springs decided that wasn’t happening even though he was a fraction from promotion before even going to work. It was in the bag. Which is why I’m counting it.

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I decide enough is enough (it was bad, I just didn’t photograph it) and I grew up the teenagers.
Well, it was the triplets birthday anyway, I just didn’t want to wait until 9pm or whenever.

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Zelda, Zia and Zimos. Not one of them got on the honour role for three days.

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This is what was happening, one of my many many problems. They were just jumping out of bed (and through walls) even though they were exhausted and I left them alone, it’s not like a new command was making them get up.
It is the kind of glitch you just can’t handle and resetSim did nothing.
Then, I saved and quit (well actually, it was before the triplets birthdays) to come back to find Elvira (Snr) still on one mahoosive free vacation, Zed had been deleted entirely from the household (cheers Hidden Springs) I tried to click on the phone and computer to move Zia and Zelda out but no pie menu came up but the pie menu came up for stuff like the mail box. All of the relationships were gone, I think the were still active as there were still ‘Friends home’ but no one appeared in the tab, not even other members of the household. The family tree was non existent and just broken. I couldn’t get that up, that’s what she said – Dammit there isn’t time.
I tried to split the household in edit town but the clipboard wasn’t saving the people I removed from the household (good thing I didn’t save after that or I would have lost a few sims)

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So they were all tired, and then sometimes I couldn’t click on their beds so they had to go to sleep themselves and I had trouble feeding them.
When I sent Zimos over to Star’s house to get things going he wouldn’t leave the lot. C’mon man, you’ve had this freedom since 2009 – It’s an open neighbourhood don’t stay on the one lot. Not cool.
Anyway, yeah. It was unbearable so I grew Duke and Elvira (Jnr) up, however Elvira was bitching about being hungry and didn’t blow out her candles, and it wouldn’t let me trigger her age transaction the cheat way (that’s when you know it’s serious) Eventually she became a YA but I have no idea how.

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Elvira and Duke as young adults.

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I was so sick of the amber and red icons and not having control. The cheats did nothing (resetSim was powerless against Hidden Springs)
Note the cake in the background that Elvira broke and the bread on the table she couldn’t eat.
Time to beat the game right? Now it’s my turn. The underdog.

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I switched households so I could save Star to my sim bin, and that worked thank god.
My plan was to move Zimos to a new Hidden Springs and then age up the new Star (she’s a child I think when you first go into the neighbourhood) but I’m now scared of Hidden Springs and the other one Monte Vis-gonnakillyoursims.
I know it’s not their fault, but I can try and blame them can’t I? It makes me feel better. It’s probably something internal and those downloads are fine. My computer just doesn’t want me to be happy.
Instead we’re playing it safe and just saving Zimos and Star, leaving the rest behind (cold, I know) and they can move to a whole new world.

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On switching back households Elvira (Snr) appeared, still no Zed though. He has gone, even from the little family photo on the loading screen.
She was happy and enjoying the fact she could sparkle while I had a minor heart attack under my desk.
This doesn’t change anything though, I’d planned to let Elvira and Zed just live forever, I’d purchased the Immortal reward for both of them so I was going to just dump them brutally.
They were going to keep the log house I spent ages building and I was going to kick out everyone but the heir who would then move to a new plot of land to start again because they had so much money I was bored.
Whatever, too little too late Elvira. Enjoy the frozen hell you opted for by not returning from vacation. You and your children will suffer.

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Zimos and Star retreat to the safety of Sunset Valley, they have no relationship now and the fact that Zimos completed his lifetime wish has been forgotten as have the many skills he mastered. So we’ll strike that off the record and he’ll have to try it again.
So, the survivor Zimos becomes heir!
Let’s hope Sunset doesn’t cave in on us as we try to pick up the pieces and forgot the Nightmare of Hidden Springs.

NGC Generation 3

NGC Generation 3

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Hello everyone, welcome back!
I’m in a state of madness from this challenge. I’ve played ahead (but of course) and I’m going crazy.
Let’s get to it shall we?

A reminder of who is in the household: Zed, Elvira (Adults) and their children Zia, Zimos and Zelda (children), Elvira (Jnr, Toddler) and newborn Duke!

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I almost forgot to potty train Elvira (Jnr) before her birthday, man that would have been a huge downer. I was so sure I’d done that, but my game had been crashing….
Anyway, Elvira grew up into a child

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She quickly reached level 5 of the logic skill. Then later, the writing skill.

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Hidden Springs / Monte Vista new item :3 she made Breakfast Calzone!!

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Anyway, I’m sure I’ve fell back into the habit of only taking ‘necessary’ photos, and by ‘necessary’ I obviously mean birthday.
Duke grows up into a toddler.
It’s a shame, I got this far once before the game crashed and he was a lot cuter first time I grew him up.

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I’ll just put all these Duke photos together. I haven’t taken a lot of them. I don’t like him very much for some reason.

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Zia, then Zelda and finally Zimos grow into teenagers.
For their skills:
Zia maximised Logic, Writing and Painting
Zelda maximised Writing but only reached level 6 in Logic
Zimos mastered Painting and Writing but only reached level 6 in Logic as well

Just to show that I have earned the Helicopter Parent points.

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They started mastering skills left right and center so I don’t even feel the need to tell you about all the skills they are good at. You know what vampires are like.
They all got part time jobs as well, I’m hoping they all top them but who knows.

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Duke grows into a child.
I’m really sorry about this chapter guys, my heart just isn’t in it.
I want to rant about stuff, but I have to save it for the next part.

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Duke gets working on his skills and reaches level 5 in painting

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Zia is resident cleaner and handyman. I want to just keep her around for future generations just to be a maid.

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Family spam.
Like I said, my heart is missing. Well, my heart is in a huff I suppose, it’ll come back.

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Zed reaches the top of the Medicine career and completes his LTW!
quits his job later that night. The plan is to get enough Lifetime Points to get him an honorary degree and then join another career for him to top.
That is the plan with Zed and Elvira (Snr)

I missed him leaving work as it coincided with the music after school class of all three triplets, I had over 150 notifications of them reaching level 10 for their skill points in various musical instruments.

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Elvira grows up into a teen!
She maximised Logic, reached level 5 in Writing and Level 2 in Fishing.

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I grow Duke up a day early (if that, it might have been 0 days till growing up)
He reached Level 6 in Writing and Painting and Level 2 in Fishing.

So a reminder who is up for heir:
(Apologies that Elvira’s name is on her dark hair, photobucket changed it last minute before I pressed save, and well, I’m lazy, as you can tell from this chapter)

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But unfortunately, there will not be an heir poll this generation, I suppose I have a lack of progress moodlet because I’m getting this weird ambition to complete this challenge sooner and I’m scared someone pretty like Zia will win when she won’t do too much for the cause, or like Elvira will win who is so good for the letter goal but I’m not sure how I feel about her looks and etc.
It’s a hard choice that I want to make, I’m even going to do a pros and cons list.
I will announce very soon who the heir is, how about we all put bets on who will be heir instead?
It’s kind of like a vote but actually counts for nothing.
Next time it will be super exciting. Can you feel it?
Also, all these sims will be available for download pretty soon :)