NGC Irving vs Lucy

NGC Irving vs Lucy

Following the previous chapter you are probably aware that this is a Dual Generation of the Name Game Challenge.
It’s a lot of fun and means I don’t have to pick an heir.
I feel like I should explain a bit more, but then I feel that you should start at the beginning if you want to follow this maniac writer.

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So first, let’s see how Zimos is!

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Zimos, the old dog, and his wife, the interesting Star, just welcomed baby boy Zach into the household.
The first of many!

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However, Star has to work a bit to get her job up and actually make some money. With Zimos in the education career bringing home £100 a day and with bills that match this, yeah. The plan to just have a kid straight off the bat is not working out. In the last part Elvira had a lot more time at work before having Eth so it feels like she has a huge advantage. Slight, not huge. But we will catch up with her in a wee bit.

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On a brighter note, Zach is really fitting in with the colour scheme so I approve of him greatly.

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Star working hard on the Magician career. She has a steady gig now on a Saturday so I’m trying to plan babies around her work schedule.
They are so broke, it is dyer.

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Little Zach grows up into a toddler!

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And I’d also like to note how their house hasn’t changed whatsoever. Not even new furniture.

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You know what happens next.

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Generic toddler shot to show Zach got skilled up.

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Star popped so the next nooboo is on the way!

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My baby, somebody help my baby!

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Yeah, a couple of boring days went by where all Zach did was skill and do other toddler things, Star couldn’t do anything job related and Zimos just bitched and whined which is why I don’t take many photos of him. He doesn’t do much.

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Now let’s catch up with Elvira

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Currently in the small household is Harwood, Elvira and newborn Eth!
Even though Harwood looks deceptively like a fairy and even has fairy magic he is aging like a normal sim. I was under the illusion Fairy Sims had an extended life.
Either I’m wrong or my computer is confused.

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So, no time is wasted in order for Elvira to have her second child. I have a feeling Harwood is not going to make it to father all of her kids, which is a real shame because I kind of like him.

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Elvira becomes a human, something I had planned since I concocted this idea of a split. I want Zimos to eventually become a human too, but the potion is like £3,000 and Zimos can’t afford anything. Unlike Elvira, she has more than 2 digits in her bank, Zimos, so you had better watch out.

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Elvira pops.
I think Elvira’s parts will probably be shorter while we try and use Harwood’s life to the best of his abilities to provide children. He was 84 Days old last time I checked, I wasn’t worried but the bar filled quite a lot.
I’ve been toying with the idea of ghost babies as well, but I don’t know. Sometimes it is just easier to move on.

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Luckily, Elvira can work on her career whilst off on maternity leave.

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Then the game lagged on me a bit but I think this was because of the weather. So I made it 20 days of Summer then Spring with zero chance of rain and snow.
(The weather / Seasons are the same in both Twinbrook and Sunset Valley for optimal play performance)
If you ask me, Fiona, was spending the £27 or however much to get rain and snow in your game worth it? I will say yes still even though I don’t really like how it lags up my game sometimes.
In hindsight, I don’t like snow or rain much IRL so, who was I kidding?

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Then I got cocky because there was a good deal of money in the bank. Or so I thought. I literally ran out of money faster than two really fast things.
I particularly like the most pointless second floor extension. It really adds nothing whatsoever to the household.

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Little Eth as a toddler!
You know, I feel sorry for you readers, I get confused with these kids but I kind of know them. You guys must just be nodding and agreeing.

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Eth is cute. He’s clearly a vampire child as well.

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And literally a few minutes after that shot of Eth was taken, we had the pleasure of meeting Lucy! As well as the weird guy who smells books outside the hospital.
I had wanted a boy pre-named Luke and I’m sure Elvira ate three apples to get him. I suppose it is only 95% or something at the end of the day.

That is all for this installment.
Next time, more names and babies will be thrown at you (maybe literally, most likely not) and we will have the fight of M vs V

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