NGC Generation 4

NGC Generation 4

This is going to get weird and I will only apologise if you … Nah, actually I’m not going to. I’ll pretend there is an air of confidence about me and saunter around like I own the internet.
The last part before the heir poll!

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So first, let’s see how Zimos is!

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A happy family photo to kick off the festivities!
This chapter I am going to recap sims in the household like you deserve to be told. From left to right we have Star (Snr) holding Orval, Zimos holding Max, Zach holding Ox and Irving holding Star (Jnr).

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But they won’t stay that way for long. Birthdays galore!
Firstly Max grows up to a cute child.

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And a little bit of twin spam to separate you from the next birthdays.

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And just a wonderful little reminder that the house has remained largely unchanged from when Zimos and Star fled here at the beginning of this dual heirship.
This house is impractical on so many levels but I don’t want to spend time doing it up just yet. It’s on a very ‘need-to-have’ sort of basis.

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Okay, here we go triple birthday.
Orval and Ox are 2 days from it anyway and are fully skilled plus have read most of the books that the family can afford and Star (Jnr) is 1 day away from toddlerhood.
On the flip side, Zach is only 6 or so days from adulthood so we need to really get Star to a teenager as fast as possible.

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First Star because we need to see what a cute kid she is.
Cute doesn’t even cover this man. If it were possible to eat sims based on cuteness on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is ‘so ugly I wouldn’t want to think of eating’, 10 is ‘Eat whole’ and 5 is a neutral ‘I had a nibble and I don’t really have any strong feelings either way’ Star (Jnr) is easily a 10.
IF you would like to hear my feelings on other kids then, Zach = 5, Irving = 6, Max = 9, Orval =6 and Ox = 7. Elvira’s kids are generally no higher than 6.
Ah cannibalisim you are not for everyone.

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Ox grew into that hair I hate.
His vampiric charm is why I score him higher than Orval.
Sometimes I feel like I should have a filter that tells me that writing this shit is wrong. But it’s done, there isn’t like a delete or backspace key.

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Finally Orval. Also with the hair I dislike.

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Look I finally did some work to the house!
*Runs off to join architect career* LOL J K universities don’t think I am cut out to be an architect. I don’t understand why, this is the sort of house I imagine the Queen would summer to, you know? It is that good.

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Ox goes and gets at least level 5 in Writing and Logic. He sticks around to beat Orval brutually at chess to remind him who is the dominant twin.

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Toddler spam. I am really enjoying Star’s face.
Stay this cute kid and you may be my dinner get my vote.

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Star (Snr) returns to work and finally brings in some money, not that the house needs any work, am I right?

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Zach and Zimos annoy me to no end. They are like BFFs and are constantly seeking each other to interact.
Just after this Zimos dislocated his neck, that is why it looks so weird.

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Star had her birthday to childhood although no one was really thrilled.
She is still cute. Not as much as when she was a toddler, but she is still tied with Max, maybe she is a 9.5 actually.
On this imaginary scale I have created.

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Soon after, Max grew up into a teenager!
I kept his weird hair because he looks like an elf. Then I looked in CAS and it had a supernatural logo – so I laughed at myself like, oh it is because it is Fairy Elf hair. Haha

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Zach grew up into a Young Adult.
Overall, he has gained me 2 HP (Helicopter Parent, not Harry Potter although that is not as fun) points. One for his toddler years and the other for being on the honour roll for three days.
Begin the time crunch!

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So Zach has to go to graduation, the game informs me.
And for once they all got in the same car, that 4-seater taxi carried all 7 pictured.

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It was okay. He did meet Theresa (?) and they are now boyfriend and girlfriend so that is one less thing to worry about.
I don’t know if she is really spouse material but then I don’t personally think Zach is heir material. Not because I’m trying to taint your vote and make you not vote for him (please do if you want to) but compared to the other kids I just think some of them have a better chance.

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Double birthday time!

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First Ox
An almost exact replica of Zimos.

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And then Orval.
I think he has inherited Fiona’s mismatched eyebrows which I love. But on looking at the next photo that is probably because Zimos inherited them from Zed (I’m sure he had them too, the bright blonde hair but the darker eyebrows)
Maybe it is a good luck charm to decide the heir?

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Since Zimos was crap at writing and painting I changed his LTW to be Surrounded by Family and now that Orval and Ox are teenagers he has made his LTW come true.
Happy days!

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A little bit of a fire on the homelot. No biggie, my sims have this down.

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I thought this was star reaching the top of her career but she is still a way away.
I think she is on level 8 or something at least. Even though I am sure I checked and it was level 9. Whatever. Over it.

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Finally Star becomes a teen. I may have aged her up a day or two early. I just want to get the heir poll up so bad!
She is also still very cute.

And that is all from this side for a while. Lets go see how those other crazy kids are doing.

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Now let’s catch up with Elvira.

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This is her lot. Taking these group photos were a nightmare by the way.
A reminder of who is who is in order.

Sort of centred holding newborn Alpha is Elvira. To the left of her is oldest Eth holding Ruby who you can barely see as Lucy is standing right in front of her. The fairy girl facing the wrong way (cheers for completely ruining it) is Ifalna, her twin Ishaq is just to the right on the image with the 0 on his shirt and behind Ishaq is Vex.

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The first thing that happens is a birthday!
Ifalna first

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Followed closely by Ishaq who still hasn’t quite grown into his face.
Why has his mouth done this? It’s a shame because namewise he is gold but geneticwise he is not the best of the litter.
Ishaq, you are killing me.

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Ruby grows up into a child.
Over it.
It got to the point that I realised it is Elvira with 7 kids. That is a lot. I want to be done with toddlers.

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Followed shortly by Alpha. How did this kids not get hit by the ugly stick? I was expecting terrible things for both him and Ruby.

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Generic, hey look you skilled up and played with your toddler. Good shout. That will most certainly help him later in life.

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Why is this picture even here, I mean why?
It’s not because Ifalna is my favourite

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I made Vex, like I’ve made all of the teens, get a part time job except Vex’s is at the bookstore which won’t let anyone in for some reason so her work performance is terrible. She is always getting scolded for something she can’t do. I feel bad for her but I mostly forget to let her off the hook. Hahaha.

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Speaking of teen careers, Eth has just topped his!

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Hey potential spouse for Ifalna.
Do I hear alien fairy baby for Generation 5?
We shall see ;)

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As soon as Alpha was skilled up I just grew him up into a teen since all of the others are getting close to YA.

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Elvira grows up into an elder (clearly older than Star and Zimos at this point) and finally gets her maternity leave out of the way.
She is all about busting ghosts now.

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Eth grew up into a young adult so surely his other siblings won’t be far behind.

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Island PAradise arrived, so of course I run wild and make Eth set up a resort with the tiny amount of money the family have. They are broke man.

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And their resort isn’t even very good because I haven’t got a clue how it all works

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Eth graduated, ooh la la. College boy.
It was an uneventful time, I was too distracted by wanting to find mermaids and play in the sea.

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So the next day I grew up Ruby.
Or was it later that night? She was growing up anyway.

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And instead of waiting another few days I just grew up Alpha early. As if any of the children have gotten 5 skill points anyway man.
Besides, It’s crunch time since I’m going away and want a fresh new face to play with on my return.
So apologies for the hasty writing, but I’m sure we are all going to get over it. I already am!

Heir Poll Time!

So we’re at the end of growing up the kids. It is time for an heir poll.
Just FYI you do have four votes on the heir poll because I just can’t pick one, so let’s all pick more than one and it will help get a sense of who is the top dog. If there is a tie we’ll make them fight to the death send them to uni or something.
I’m listing them alphabetically to really mix them up and I’m not going to give you any ratings or hints of any of them or anything, I want to know who you like or who you think is most interesting etc.
I’ll direct you to the boolprop page where the voting is taking place as soon as I make it
If you’re not a member of boolprop then become a member. It’s such a great community and where I keep this nicely organised. I hate wordpress as I am a major n00b at it.
Cool, okay. So, here they are:

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Cheers everyone!

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